Family Connections Collaborative (FCC) supports Mineral County families through community connections and resources to ensure our children grow up healthy, safe, and connected. We work with them for many services that are available for our Alberton ELC families. We will recommend them often and they provide services like:

  • Best Beginnings (financial aid in childcare)

  • Parenting Classes

  • Child birth Services/ lactation consultants

  • Car seat installations and corrections

  • Parents as Teachers

  • Home visits

  • Child Find (developmental screening and services)

  • Story Times

  • Child immunizations

  • Mental Health Services

Please contact

Jess Shaack - ——- 406-499-1249


Laura Acker - ———

with interest in these services! If you don’t feel comfortable we will gladly help bridge that gap and get you what you need for your family! Remember it takes a village!!